Kentucky Soul Music

a blog for people with music on their minds

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

The Sounds Of Silence

This really got to me -- one night, at my Friday gig, I was working hard, trying to get the room involved. Singing with a sore throat, which any voice coach will chastise against. Playing solo guitar until my hands were cramped. The ending of almost every song was met with a roomful of conversation, and not about me. Some people even laughed.

At the end of the night, I had $5.00 in the tip jar. Damn. Am I a joke to these people, or do they just not give a flying fart about what I'm doing? Or is this bunch the mental equivalent to bubble-wrap, who would wait in the rain overnight for a ticket to see Mexican wrestling?

The saving grace was a romantic couple, wanting to dance to a slow song. I fit in one more rendition of Van Morrison's "Crazy Love", and the man threw in two 20's.

I've said it before, but it bears repeating -- musicians who take their art/profession seriously, passionately, don't "play" music... they work it.


  • At 6:10 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…


    Still reading. Keep up the good work. Glad Crazy Love led to some money in the tip jar for you. I'm gearing up for one of my infrequent band gigs tomorrow night. We're expecting a LARGE crowd (150-200). I'm looking forward to playing. Too bad you're not closer.

    Phil Davidoff


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