Kentucky Soul Music

a blog for people with music on their minds

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

St. Louis, Memphis, Motown, Chicago... Kentucky?

I need some help, making some special music in a place not known for it. Any musicians and/or singers who are into soul/R&B, neo- or oldschool, written and performed by actual human beings, let me hear from you.

I'm neither a record label, nor a big-name producer anonymously blogging for fresh talent. I am some of the talent, if I may be so bold. I work playing guitar, bass and drums, and I play enough keyboard to write songs. This is a call for those who know what Earth Wind & Fire has in common with The Friends of Distinction. This is for people who can name the author(s) of the songs "Go Now" and "Land Of 1000 Dances". If you want to make better music than America's heard in years, write to me: .

Warning: This is not American Idol. Money's too tight to mention, and I need talented pros and dedicated amateurs to create work.

Sunday, October 23, 2005


In addition to music, I have an interest in video production going back to "pro-sumer" NTSC 1/2 inch open-reel B+W. For those who don't speak technogeek, this means the early '70s. If I had any of those old tapes from my junior high school days, I'm not sure if I'd let anyone see them. They would be embarrassing childhood pictures, like the time when I was on-camera talent. Some of my classmates stole my comb, grabbed me, held me down and messed up my hair just before the director counted down to my cue. It seems insignificant now, but no one helped me get my medium-sized 'fro into shape. Plenty of giggles, though. My mark for that project was below parental expectations, which I believe was their intention; thanks a lot, guys. (Did I mention that my father believed in corporal punishment for bad grades?)

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Check 1, 2... how do I sound?

I need to build a community of my own, of people to whom I can really relate. Especially, I need to hear from some musicians. I've been actively playing guitar since I was in the single digits of my age, and I'm also proficient on bass & drums. My groove doesn't quite flow with this area's local scene, and it's a little stifling. I can hang with some blues, as I've been doing, but I'm closer to an R&B/soul vibe. I see a lot of cowboy hats and Confederate flags, and I've been thumped by a few wannabe hip-hoppers driving by with booming sound systems. If my choices take me away from my desired outcome, I suppose there's no one to blame but myself, but I feel that we have more power over our lives than we've been led to believe.

So that's where it is, people. Your thoughts? Don't be shy.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Is This Thing On?

This is my first blog, as if you couldn't tell... so far, it seems to be copacetic. I'll be posting different things periodically, as I figure out what I'm supposed to do with this sucker. If there's a way to work things more efficiently, I'll find them sooner or later; my mother made me memorize this phrase: "use your mind, not your behind."

Right now I'll keep things simple, for myself at least: Born on John Lennon's 21st birthday -- you do the math. Married, 2 adult stepkids, 2 step-granddaughters, originally from the Greater NYC area (translation for non-New Yorkers: "anywhere within a 30-mile radius of Manhattan"). Moved into Western Kentucky summer of '01, just for love.

So there it is, the first post on my first blog. If you find it insufferably boring, just keep your eyelashes open with toothpicks or something; it'll get better, I promise.